The Greatest Avenger of all time :Thor pics and action clips from all movies and other

When it comes to mighty superheroes, there's just no beating the God of Thunder. 

The God of Thunder

Thor was born to the King of the Asgardian Gods, Odin Borson, and the Earth Goddess Gaea. He grew up in Asgard under Odin's tutelage and trained in his footsteps to one day lead Asgard. Besides Odin, his stepmother Frigga and his adopted brother Loki are the only family he know, alongside his best friends Sif, Balder, and the Warriors Three.

Throughout his youth, Thor tested his limits on dangerous missions and became worthy of the Uru hammer Mjolnir, using it to save Sif from the Death Goddess Hela. While the hammer wields destructive powers, it also has the power to build and Thor also uses it to consecrate treaties and bless weddings.


In Thor's coming of age, he fell through a portal and battled the demigod Hercules. Equal in strength, they fought until Zeus halted their encounter, sending Thor back to Asgard and wiping the memories of both warriors. During the 9th Century, Thor spent time on Earth, leading Vikings into battle. It was not until Thor's loyal Vikings attacked a Christian monastery that he turned his back on his followers, leaving Earth and spending centuries in Asgard.


During his time in Asgard, Odin casted Thor into the mortal guise of Siegmund to retrieve the Rhinegold Ring from the dragon Fafnir. When Siegmund took away another's wife, Frigga compelled Odin to kill Thor, but Thor survived as Siegmund's son Siegfried. Odin succeeded at obtaining the Rhinegold Ring from Siegfried, then restored Thor to life without any memories of his former identities.

When Thor's battle-hungry appetite led him to break a treaty between Asgard and the Frost Giants, Odin banished him to Earth as a lesson in humility in the form of Dr. Donald Blake. As a human, he had a limp and worked as a physician. When he was compelled by Odin to go to Norway, he came upon extraterrestrials known as the Kronans and fled into a cave. There, he found a gnarled cane and used it to try and escape; he struck it against a rock, and it became Mjolnir. The mallet then restored his memories and returned him to his former glory as the mighty God of Thunder.

here is the video clips from Thor 2011 movie

To watch the climax of this movie click the link below

Thor is Billion Times Faster than light

video link given in below

Thor’s hammer

Thor is one of the mightiest heroes in the Marvel world, but he's nothing without his hammer. Here's a few key factoids about Thor's favorite weapon.

Things You Need To Know About Thor's Hammer

Its Name Is Mjolnir

That name, Mjolnir, literally means “grinder” or “crusher,” which is a pretty fitting name for a hammer that has leveled mountains, cracked open the earth, and smashed a Hulk or two in its time.

For those not familiar with how Scandinavian languages and pronunciations work, that name can be a little tricky, as Kat Denning’s Marcy showed us to comedic effect in the first Thor movie when she kept calling the Asgardian weapon “Meuh Meuh.” It's proper pronunciation: myawl-nir

Mjolnir Is Iconic

It Possesses Several Magical Enchantments

Thor Isn’t The Only One To Wield It

Though one of Mjolnir’s biggest stipulations is that only a being who is deemed worthy may wield the hammer, Thor isn’t the only person to wield the hammer over the years. In last summer's Age of Ultron, we witnessed the newly created Vision pick up the hammer with no difficulty — a feat the other Avengers had failed to accomplish in a light-hearted scene earlier in the film.

In the Marvel Universe, there are a lot more who have proved worthy, with the likes of Storm, Beta Ray Bill, Captain America, Eric Masterson, Odin, and Jane Foster all having wielded the hammer at various times. Outside the Marvel Universe proper, even more heroes have been shown worthy of wielding the pride of Asgard, with Superman maybe being the most notable non-Marvel character to have wielded Mjolnir. Wonder Woman and Conan the Barbarian have also used the hammer in past crossovers

Here is the video from avengers Age of  ultron.

Super Human sense’s

Thor’s superhuman sense’s allow him to see objects as far out as the edge of the solar system, allow him to track objects travelling faster than light , and hear cries from the other side of the planet

Here are few best Thor scenes from movies

1 Thor arrivals in wakanda scene from infinity war

 2 Thor vs Hulk Fight Scene

3 Thor VS Stone Giant


4 Thor Awakens His Power- Thor Ragnarok

5 .King bor vs Dark Elves - Battle Scene - Thor: The Dark World 

6 .Thor VS thanos | All Thor (Fight) Scenes


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